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One of the main marketing resources are, without a doubt, The metrics, since they allow strategies to be implemented and controlled while they are being implemented. In addition, they facilitate greater efficiency within campaigns; they help to save costs and generate greater profits. The key to success in your strategies lies in having the right tools and means that allow the correct analysis of the impact of your campaigns. Analyzing marketing KPIs will help you to check if the strategy is working properly and above all to know if you are achieving the established objectives.
Why is it so important to analyze your indicators?
In marketing, having well-established metrics will help you understand the needs of the market and your customers. For example, having as meters (among others):
-Levels of satisfaction
-Training cost
-Acquisition and profitability
In the same way, these metrics are an excellent monitoring and evaluation tool because they help to systematically check the progress of strategies, to detect deviations and, above all, to make better decisions.
It is a fact that a good marketing strategy could not be defined without the use of KPIs that allow you to measure and quantify the results of your campaigns, as well as to control the degree of compliance with the objectives.

Tips for analyzing your marketing KPIs
Below I will give you some tips that will be very useful to be very clear about your strategy and what types of KPIs you are going to measure:
Define your objectives:
The main thing is to be clear about your objectives, how you can achieve them and who can act to meet each of them. For example: “300 online sales for 6 months” (instead of “increasing sales”).
Be clear and concise:
Like any type of communication, marketing KPIs must be clear so that the information they provide is easily incorporated to have a greater chance of generating action. For example: leads should be generated through email marketing campaigns
Create measurable indicators:
Your KPI must be measurable in numbers. We know that feelings are not quantifiable and, for example, measuring customer satisfaction is subjective. However, if you put that same emotion on a scale of 1 to 10 based on your level of satisfaction with the service, you can quantify it.
List your indicators:
If you can get the indicators to relate to each other, you'll have a better view of your results in your metrics.
Give them the same importance:
Although it is a fact that there are indicators that can help you better measure your performance (for example ROI), each of the defined KPIs must be treated with equal importance, so that the same efforts are made for each one.
Once you've decided what metrics you'll use in your strategy and you've started your campaigns, it's time to know the results.

How can InConcert help me make better marketing decisions?
If we talk about metrics, InConcert offers you a world of possibilities. Within the marketing suite, among other things, you'll find the option of”Analytics”, which in turn displays a menu of options that will provide you with all the information provided by your campaigns. Here's what each one of them is about:
Get to know the analytics of your publications and view the result and performance of your content in the suite. With this option, you have an overview of your daily activity. Find out about the visits and conversions you receive every day through geographical graphs, either by customer or by publications. In addition, this visualization can be filtered by category, customer, campaign and period: you decide which data you want to see.

One of the ways to visualize KPIs in InConcert Markerting
Contact Center
In the Contact Center dashboard, you can integrate your Contact Center with inConcert Marketing, to visualize the data of your operation, combined with your investment in marketing. It also offers you to view all the indicators related to the performance of agents, their activity in real time and results.
Get access to a daily performance summary and data from all the contacts for the day.

The Contact Center module in the inConcert Marketing suite
With this option, you can create and view plans, as well as analyze your investments, results and expenses. The graph on this dashboard shows a comparison of your planning with actual results. This way you can see if your goals were achieved or not. View the comparison of the daily distribution of your costs, leads and registrations.
In this option, you can analyze your attribution and expenses in your sales dashboard, viewing comparative graphs of investment costs and their relationship with your results, additional expenses, and more. This way you can extract extremely important data such as the cost per lead.
In the Reports section you will have endless options, you can create the ones you require in order to analyze all your marketing and sales data. It also has the options to export, share and schedule recurring shipments, so that you and your team get the most out of it.
Unlike reports, a dashboard is a report that, in addition to organizing and analyzing the data in your database, generates configurable graphs and visual representations. You can view and analyze your results with the predefined dashboards that best suit your needs. For example, you can view a summary of content per visit, a marketing summary, the details of your contact center per campaign, or a summary of leads.
In our marketing and sales suite, you can clearly define your objectives. For example, one of your goals may be an exact profit figure for the year 2021. By creating objectives, it is easier to know if they have been achieved or if action is needed to achieve them.

Another way to visualize data in InConcert Marketing
Knowing every detail of your campaigns through the analytics in our suite will show you what you're getting right and what strategies need improvement. This in turn offers you the opportunity to make smarter decisions to successfully achieve your goals.
In general terms, our suite gives you the opportunity to know down to the smallest detail of your campaigns, contacts and agents, helps you plan your strategy and also shows you results reports, without neglecting the fact that it organizes your database and provides a graphical view of the performance of your publications and campaigns.
As if that weren't enough, it's so friendly, that once inside you'll find user tutorials that will make your experience much more rewarding. Are you interested in knowing more? Ask for a demo!