"The trend is to be more efficient in sales through digital channels": interview with Rodrigo de Andrés of inConcert.

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Boost your results with Inconcert

The Colombian contact center market, technological trends after a year of no presence and inConcert's news for 2021, in Rodrigo de Andrés' analysis.

How does inConcert see the Colombian market today?

The Colombian market is the most thriving market in South America among Spanish speaking countries. We have noticed that the demand for services provided from Colombia has grown, driven by the situation that has been experienced during 2020 and until today.

Many companies that were not up to date at a technological level were forced to upgrade immediately because they could not handle telework attention with the tools they had been using until the early 2020s. On the one hand, many companies were forced to move quickly to the Cloud environment to be able to connect their workers remotely. And on the other hand, those companies that did not have the technology for this new way of communicating with each other were able to update their technology immediately.

This energized the market and made the consumption of technologies and software grow a lot in all areas , and particularly in the contact center. Companies are seeking not only to adapt their operations to teleworking but also to optimize and streamline their processes. This has led them to incorporate more and more technology.

How has inConcert positioned itself in Colombia, taking into account the context you describe?

The situation found us very well positioned to meet these demands, because we had been offering Cloud services since 2009 . At the beginning of 2020, 80% of our customers in Colombia were already in Cloud mode, and those who were not were migrated.

The process was very simple for us because we did not have to "run" to migrate the rest of the clients, but we helped them to adapt to the teleworking modality, where there are security, connectivity and other aspects that have to be covered with agents that are not working in a centralized site.

Moreover, this 2020 situation found us well prepared because our range of technology solutions not only cover the contact center but also marketing, CRM and process improvements such as Speech Analytics and Workforce Optimization solutions, among others. This gave our customers tools to be more efficient in times where there is less room than ever for inefficiency.

This interview was originally published in the April edition of Prensario's Annual IT Security Special.

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